Very Important Person
Date Owner Player Action
11.06.2024 19:24 FerUK[VIP] Eror404.exe Got rank 5
11.06.2024 19:24 FerUK[VIP] Recul[VIP] Got rank 5
11.06.2024 19:24 FerUK[VIP] Recul[VIP] Joined the clan
11.06.2024 19:19 FerUK[VIP] ApostoL[VIP] Joined the clan
10.06.2024 19:13 JustASimpleName12[GOLD] JustASimpleName12[GOLD] Left the clan
10.06.2024 18:37 FerUK[VIP] Ye..[DvL] Got rank 6
10.06.2024 18:36 FerUK[VIP] Ye..[DvL] Got rank 5
10.06.2024 18:35 FerUK[VIP] Ye..[DvL] Joined the clan
10.06.2024 15:08 FerUK[VIP] MariusRO Joined the clan
10.06.2024 12:55 FerUK[VIP] TRUEBOSUSEFUVOSTRU[VIP] Got rank 5
10.06.2024 11:57 FerUK[VIP] Roby Got rank 5
10.06.2024 11:55 FerUK[VIP] JustASimpleName12[GOLD] Got rank 5
10.06.2024 11:54 FerUK[VIP] JustASimpleName12[GOLD] Joined the clan
09.06.2024 23:01 AiR.Prada_ AiR.Prada_ Left the clan
09.06.2024 21:44 FerUK[VIP] bragon.hte[VIP] Joined the clan